Whole, Half or Quarter?



Whole Beef


Buying the whole beef gives you complete control over your purchase, and lets you decide how you want the meat butchered. Do you want the heart, tongue or liver, too? No problem, just say so.


While every animal is different, the final packaged weight of a whole beef tends to average around 400 lbs. Average hanging weight is around 700 lbs., but again, this varies animal to animal. Some steers are larger, and some are smaller – just like us.

  • A good rule of thumb for freezing: you need one cubic foot of freezer space for every 25-30 pounds of meat.

  • A whole beef takes up almost 20 cubic feet – almost an entire large upright freezer.

  • A whole beef order is best for large households, with at least 2 adults and several children.


Half Beef


A half of beef includes cuts from the front half and the hind quarter. The front can give you chuck steaks, pot roasts, rib steaks, short ribs and soup bones. The hind offers ground beef, top round, bottom round, T-bones, top sirloins, tenderloins, flank steaks, sirloin tips and rump roast.


While each animal is unique, the final packaged weight of a half averages around 200 pounds, down from a hanging weight of about 360 pounds.

  • A good rule of thumb for freezing: you need one cubic foot of freezer space for every 25-30 pounds of meat.

  • A half beef takes up about half of a large (20 cubic feet) upright freezer.

  • A half beef order is recommended for families with 2 adults and 1-2 children.


Quarter Beef


A quarter beef is a great value that gives you all the standards – steaks, roasts and burgers – plus some of the best-kept secret cuts, like flank steaks, brisket, and short ribs. You don’t get to choose your cuts with quarter beef orders, unlike half and whole orders. Everyone gets the same classics.


While each steer is different, the final packaged weight of a quarter steer averages around 90 pounds, from a hanging weight of 120-150 pounds.

  • A good rule of thumb for freezing: you need one cubic foot of freezer space for every 25-30 pounds of meat.


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